Monday, December 21, 2009

December Update

December was an incredibly busy month! Throw a blizzard right in the midst of this hectic season and things become crazy. However, we did survive. The preschool, pre-k and Kindergarten program did get to happen as planned. Losing several classes definitely was a detriment as far as adding instruments goes. Our only time to practice on stage was the day of the actual program! The performances went amazingly well considering everything. Learning a Spanish carol without having any written music for it was a challenge.

"Christmas Magic", performed by gr. 1 & 2, probably benefited by being postponed. The 2nd graders had a harder time remembering their lines than I expected. In the end, the performances flowed very well and I thought the children really came through. I appreciate the comments that about a dozen parents took the time to share with me. I would be lying if I said that programs aren't very stressful for me. They take an enormous amount of time and energy. I'm deeply appreciative to my co-workers for their help during those final days before the performance. I also felt the choir really started the show off in a strong manner. They sang out, watched me and did well on their harmony sections.

Today I had the dubious honor of portraying John the Baptist (J the B) in our final Advent prayer service. I flew into the sacristy to change and then down through the church to reappear in the back of Church with a few seconds to spare before coming down the aisle singing "Prepare Ye". Overall, I think the skit went well. A few of the students called me J the B during the day which made me laugh. (Gee, they knew it was me despite the costume.)

Merry Christmas!!
-Mrs. Koch

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